Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of HanseEscrow Management GmbH

HanseEscrow Management GmbH has taken all obligations in connection with personal data into consideration. In accordance with the legal regulations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes (German Data Protection Act New, or BDSG new for short) and the Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz (German Digital Services Act, or DDG for short), personal data is only forwarded to third parties after explicit agreement.

HanseEscrow processes personal data only in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), these are:

  • Processing of personal data from employees of corporate customers, suppliers and authorities to perform a contract or in order to take steps to enter into a contract (Art. 6 (1) (b), ( f)).
  • Processing of personal data from internal employees to meet the standards and obligations in the field of social security and social protection law (Art. 9 (2) (b)).
  • Processing of personal data from employees of corporate customers, suppliers, authorities and internal employees for compliance purposes (eg. Art. 9 (2) (f)).

The online presence of HanseEscrow is designed for corporate costumer and can be used without any indication of personal data.

If a natural person wants to submit a contact request or wants to download a sample document from our download area, processing of personal data could become necessary. The input of these data takes place voluntarily and a activ confirmation is needed. The data will be transmitted encrypted.

As the controller, the HanseEscrow Management GmbH has implemented numerous technical and organizational measures to ensure the most complete protection of personal data processed through this website. However, Internet-based data transmissions may in principle have security gaps, so absolute protection may not be guaranteed. At any time, a request for contact or sample documents can be transferred alternaitv by phone or mail.

Name and Address of the Controller

HanseEscrow Management GmbH

Bahnhofstrasse 32
22844 Norderstedt
Postfach 74 52
22832 Norderstedt

Phone: +49-40-6466994-0
Fax: +49-40-6466994-29

In accordance with the legal regulations of the GDPR and BDSG new § 38 HanseEscrow is not obligated to nominate a data protection officer. At a natural person can contact us directly with questions or suggestions regarding data protection.

Contact via Website

The website of HanseEscrow contains information that enables a quick electronic contact to our enterprise, as well as direct communication with us. If a natural person contacts us by email or via a contact form, the personal data transmitted by the data subject are automatically stored. Such personal data transmitted on a voluntary basis are stored for purpose of processing or contacting the requester. There is no transfer of this personal data to third parties.

Download Area

A natural person has the possibility to register on the website with the provisions of personal data. Only an email address is needed for the registration.
The registration with the voluntary provision of personal data is intended to offer content or services that may only be offered to registered users due to their nature.

Registered persons are free to quit the access to the download area and have the email address deleted from the data stock of the controller.

Collection of General Data and Information

The Internet pages of HanseEscrow collect a series of general data and information, when called up. These anonymously collected data and information are stored separately from other data. HanseEscrow will analyze this data to meet the obligations of availability, privacy, integrity and authenticity as lined out in the GDPR (Art. 38).

Erasure or Restriction of Processing of Personal Data

HanseEscrow will process and store personal data only for the period necessary to achieve the purpose of the storage or as far as this is granted by the legislator or by other legislators in laws or regulations, to which HanseEscrow is subject to.

If the storage purpose is not applicable, or if a storage period prescribed by the European legislator or another competent legislator expires, the personal data are blocked or erased by routines build in accordance with legal requirements.

HanseEscrow processes the personal data of applicants for the purpose of processing of the application procedure. This processing may be carried out digital, in particular, if an applicant submits application documents by email. If HanseEscrow enters into an employment contract with an applicant, the submitted data will be stored in compliance with legal requirements. If no employment contract is concluded with the applicant, the application documents will be deleted six months after notification of the refusal decision, provided that no other legitimate interests of HanseEscrow are opposed to the deletion, e.g. a burden of proof in a procedure under the General Equal Treatment Act.

Rights of the Data Subject

Each natural person has the option granted by the European legislator to pursue remedies against HanseEscrow based on the following rights regarding personal data:

  • Right of confirmation
  • Right of access
  • Right to rectification
  • Right to erasure (Right to be forgotten)
  • Right of restriction of processing
  • Right to data portability
  • Right to object to processing of personal data concerning him or her which is based on GDPR Art 6 (1) (e) or (f)
  • Right to withdraw data protection consent

If a natural person wishes to exercise one of the above rights, the person may at any time directly contact us. Automated individual decision-making or profiling is not applied by HanseEscrow.


The Internet pages of HanseEscrow use cookies. Cookies are text files that are stored in a computer system via an Internet browser. By using cookies HanseEscrow can provide services like explanatory movies that would not be possible without the cookie settings.

The data subject may prevent and permanently deny the setting of cookies by changing the setting of the Internet browser. Already stored cookies may be deleted via an Internet browser or corresponding software programs.

Friendly Captcha

HanseEscrow Management GmbH uses the Friendly Captcha tool on this website. This is offered and operated by Friendly Captcha GmbH, Am Anger 3-5, 82237 Wörthsee, as spam protection. It is used to prevent automated and abusive requests by bots. As part of this process, the IP address used by the data subject is collected by Friendly Captcha to provide a puzzle. This task is executed in the background and as soon as it is solved, Friendly Captcha confirms that the data subject is a natural person.

Friendly Captcha processes and stores the following data in the above-mentioned process:

  • The anonymized IP address of the requesting device
  • Information about the browser, operating system and website used (request headers, user-agent, origin, referrer, widget version)
  • An anonymized counter per IP address to dynamically scale puzzle difficulty

The legal basis for the processing is the legitimate interest within the meaning of GDPR Art. 6 (1) (f) to prevent abusive access or spam attacks by bots. For this purpose, no cookies are set or used. Friendly Captcha only receives the data when the data subject clicks on the button to start the verification. If personal data are processed when using Friendly Captcha, they will be deleted after the purpose has been fulfilled.

Further information, the applicable privacy policy of Friendly Captcha and explanations of spam protection can be found at:

Use of Google Analytics with Anonymization Function

HanseEscrow had integrated Google Analytics with Anonymization on this website until November 2022. Since Dezember 2022 Google Analytics is not longer in use.

Reference für user, who visited this website before Dezember 2022: The operation company of the Google Analytics component is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, United States of America. Google Analytics is a web analytics service. Web Analytics is the collection, gathering and analysis of data about the behavior of visitors to websites. HanseEscrow uses Web Analytics for the optimization of this website.
For the web analytics through Google Analytics HanseEscrow uses the extension “_gat. _anonymizeIp”. By means of this extension the IP address of the internet connection is anonymised when accessing our websites from a member state of the European Union or another contracting state to the agreement on the European Economic Area.

Google Analytics places a cookie on the information computer system of the data subject. The cookie is used to store personal information, such as the access time, the location from which the access was made, and the frequency of visits to our website by the data subject. With each visit to our Internet site, such personal data, including the IP address of the Internet access used by the data subject, will be transmitted to Google in the United States of America. These personal data are stored by Google in the United States of America. Google may pass these personal data collected through the technical procedure to third parties.

The person concerned may prevent and permanently deny the setting of cookies by changing the setting of the Internet browser. Already set cookies may be deleted via an Internet browser or corresponding software programs. This includes Google cookies.

It is possibility to object and prevent the collection and the processing of the data by Google and to prevent such. A browser add-on must be downloaded via and installed. This browser add-on advices Google Analytics, that any data and information about the visits of Internet pages may not be transmitted to Google Analytics. The installation of the browser add-ons is considered as an objection by Google. If the information computer system is later deleted, formatted or newly installed, the browser add-ons must be reinstall the browser add-ons to disable Google Analytics. If the browser add-on was uninstalled or disabled, it is possible to execute the reinstallation or reactivation of the browser add-ons.

Further information, the applicable data protection provisions of Google and explanations for Google Analytics may be retrieved under


Our Privacy Policy was inspired by a sample document, which was generated by the Privacy Policy Generator of the DGD – Your External DPO that was developed in cooperation with German Lawyers from WILDE BEUGER SOLMECKE, Cologne.